
Empowering Women:

Unleash Your Potential With EPIC


Spots are Filling Fast and Won't Open Till Next Year

Join a community dedicated to supporting women through tailored coaching, mentoring, and exclusive resources

In Partnership With Triiyo

EPIC has partnered with triiyo and dedicated to empowering women in the construction industry through comprehensive support and growth opportunities.

EPIC has over 25 years experience in the construction industry and passionate about ensuring our women are set up for success.

By partnering with triiyo, a leader in managing and streamlining employee life transitions, we enhance our offerings, ensuring that our members not only survive but thrive in male-dominated fields

Mission Statement

To empower every woman with the tools, community, and support to thrive in male-dominated industries."

Core Benefits

By joining EPIC, you unlock a suite of benefits designed to elevate your success in the construction industry. Our tailored membership, enriched by our partnership with triiyo, offers you the following advantages.

Tailored Mentorship

Receive coaching and mentorship tailored specifically to the challenges and opportunities faced by women in male dominated industries.

Community Support

Engage with a vibrant community of like-minded professionals who provide mutual support, networking opportunities, and a shared space for growth and learning

Access to Expert Advice

Benefit from direct access to seasoned mentors, coaches and industry experts who offer one-on-one coaching and mentoring, helping you navigate your career with confidence.

Resource Library

Utilise a comprehensive collection of resources, all aimed at enhancing your skills and knowledge.

Why Should You Join EPIC ?

  • 53% women in the industry experience sexual harassment
  • 17% women do not report sexual harassment
  • 44% women experience gender discrimination
  • 32% women entering the industry are concerned about bullying
  • Women face the highest gender pay gap in the industry at 31.8%.

These statistics are not just numbers; they represent the real challenges women face every day in the construction industry. EPIC is committed to changing these statistics by empowering women with the tools, resources, and support to not only confront these challenges but to forge a path of respect, equality and safety.


Normally $150

$57 . 00


Perfect For Beginners
  • Coaching & Mentoring
  • Accountability Groups
  • Premium Support
  • The EPIC Community
  • Exciting Challenges
  • Invaluable Resources


Normally $1800

$595 . 00


Perfect For Beginners
  • Coaching & Mentoring
  • Accountability Groups
  • Premium Support
  • The EPIC Community
  • Exciting Challenges
  • Invaluable Resources
Satisfaction Guaranteed
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Empowering Women One At a Time

Gain Confidence For Growth

Gain the confidence to shatter glass ceilings and achieve your full potential in the construction industry

Invest in Yourself

Invest in yourself and your future with a transformative program that delivers measurable results and empowers you to reach new heights

Unlock Your Potential

Unlock your full potential and achieve the career success you deserve, without compromising your values or authenticity

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQ for more details

What exactly is the EPIC membership?EPIC is offering a membership program designed to support women in male dominated industries. It is designed by a woman, who has over 20 years’ experience in male dominated industries and offers tailored coaching, mentoring, community support, and resources aimed at empowering women to overcome the challenges of working in a male-dominated field.

Can I participate if I am new to the construction industry?Absolutely! This membership is beneficial for women at all stages of their careers—from those just starting out to seasoned professionals. Our resources and mentorship are tailored to meet you at your level of experience and ambition.

How much time do I need to commit?The program is designed to be flexible to accommodate your schedule. There are twice monthly tailored coaching and mentoring sessions, and members can participate in community discussions, and access resources at their convenience. The more you engage, the more benefits you reap.

What can I expect to gain from joining the EPIC membership?Members can expect to see significant improvements in their personal skills, network, and confidence. The program helps members navigate workplace challenges, enhances leadership skills, and provides a supportive community that encourages career advancement and personal growth

What makes EPIC different from other professional development programs?Unlike general professional development programs, EPIC focuses specifically on the unique challenges faced by women in male dominated industries. Our partnership with triiyo also allows us to offer enhanced support for managing psychosocial risks and personal life journeys, which sets us apart from other offerings.

Be One of the First 100: Exclusive Launch Pricing

Special Membership Rates for Our First 100 Founding Members

As one of our first 100 members, you're not just joining; you're founding our community.


Secure your spot for only $57 per month or $595 per year. This special rate is a thank you for being among our first supporters.


"This exclusive offer is capped at 100 members. Act now to ensure your place!"

"Once we reach 100 members, the price will go up.

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©EPIC Services 2024. All rights reserved
